Dr Shivalingam Chandran (Male) MBBS MRCGP DFSRH
Dr Edward Ashdown (Male)
Practice Manager
Spencer Oates BA(Hons) BMedSci CMgr MCMI
The Practice Manager is here to ensure the smooth running of the practice
Physician Associate
Rebecca Vogelberg (Female) BSc(Hons) MMedSci
Physician Associates are healthcare professionals who are trained to the medical model. They work alongside doctors and provide medical care as an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.
Practice Nurse
Lynne Oxtoby - The Practice Nurse deals with minor illnesses and disease management, health promotion, cervical smears, childhood immunisations, aural care and drug monitoring. She also provides services in asthma, COPD and diabetes care.
Healthcare Assistant
Lyn Birch - Lyn can deal with healthcare advice, venepuncture, aural care, Warfarin and hypertension monitoring, CVD risk assessment and performing ECG's.
Medical Receptionists and Administrators
The Reception and Admin teams are here to help you. Please treat them with respect. Verbal abuse and aggression will not be tolerated.
PCN (Primary Care Network) roles
Wentworth 1 PCN (Primary Care Network) is a collaboration between seven practices:
Rawmarsh Health Centre, Crown Street Surgery, High Street Surgery, Magna Group Practice, Parkgate Medical Centre, Shakespeare Road Medical Centre and York Road Surgery.
There are various roles within the PCN.
Clinical Pharmacist
A PCN Clinical Pharmacist works alongside a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals to support your GP practice in meeting the health and social care needs of patients and helping to improve access to care. They provide support for prescription and medication queries. They undertake clinical medication reviews to support patients. They work to encourage patients to manage common and minor ailments and to promote self-care.
Pharmacy Technicians
The Pharmacy Technicians work with the PCN Clinical Pharmacist and practice staff to ensure safe, accurate and timely supply of prescribed medication. They also provide support to other clinical staff and reception teams, coordinating discharge summaries and medication reviews, playing a central role in repeat prescribing processes, liaising with our patients, nursing homes, carers, hospital and community pharmacies and responding to medication queries.
A PCN Paramedic is a practice-base role, and they support the GPs to provide on the day emergency services for patients. Their role involves the assessment, diagnosis, treatment or referral of patients presenting with undifferentiated and undiagnosed conditions.
Care Coordinator
They work with the GPs and other primary care professionals within the PCN to identify and manage a caseload of patients, and where required and as appropriate, refer people back to other health professionals within the PCN. They also work closely with other community services and other relevant service providers.
Social Prescriber
The Social Prescriber works to help people to take control of their health and well-being. Social prescribing can help to strengthen community resilience and personal resilience whilst reducing Health Inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health such as debt, poor housing and physical inactivity by increasing people’s active involvement with their local communities
They work as part of a multidisciplinary team across the practices of a Primary Care Network (PCN), with the PCNs GPs and other clinicians and staff, as well as staff and clinicians from community, acute, social and voluntary sectors. They will work directly with patients to assess and treat conditions, manage long-term conditions as well as promote self-care.
Digital and Transformation Lead
The Digital and Transformation Lead supports the practices within the PCN to develop and deliver the objectives of the PCN. They are responsible for helping and developing the use of digital tools and implementing transformation work that utilises data or quality improvement tools to improve quality, drive efficiency or improve patient experience.
Access the Wentworth 1 website.